Monday, November 25, 2013

The Almost Cube - Topping it Off

Last but not least - finishing and installing the table top. The fat lady has sung, and now it's time to finish this. Literally, we need to apply the finish.

Don't despair, the clown striped wood on the left is the bottom. The light and dark contrasts are from the heartwood and sapwood variances. This is why it's on the bottom. I'll show you how to decipher all of this after the jump.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Almost Cube - A Close Shave and a Flat Top

Caul: [kawl]
A form or plate for pressing a veneer or veneers being glued to a backing or to each other. Origin- French [cale] shim  

It's finally time to glue that nice, flat walnut board stock into something that resembles a table top and not a potato chip. This should be easy, right? Not so fast - there are a ton of options and techniques to get it done right, unless you like Pringle shaped table tops..

Clamping with cauls after the jump.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Almost Cube - Walnut and Wood Glue

It's time to make some sawdust and spread some glue to create the walnut top.  Create is a good word to use when woodworking, because, unlike steel, you aren't just welding and grinding and pounding on it with a hammer.  Wood has a mind of its own, which varies from cut to cut, species to species.

Because there is a lifetime of things to learn about working with wood, we'll cover the basic stuff, emphasizing how it relates to American Walnut, our chosen species.